Opening times for Tesco in Thetford
Watton Superstore is a branch belonging to Tesco chain. It is open on: Monday 06:00-00:00, Tuesday 06:00-00:00, Wednesday 06:00-00:00, Thursday 06:00-00:00, Friday 06:00-00:00. At weekends its working hours are: on Saturday 06:00-22:00, on Sunday 10:00-16:00. This store's address is: 3 Thetford Rd , Watton , Thetford , IP25 6BQ , Thetford, Norfolk . In order to reach the customer service directly please use the number 0345 677 9703. Watton Superstore is attended by many people inhabiting neighbouring towns like Saham Toney, Ovington.