Mothercare opening and closing times

Mothercare is widely recognized as one of the most prominent chains in the United Kingdom. It was set up back in 1961 by Selim Zilkha And Sir James Goldsmith. As of 2025 Mothercare uses 160 locations and employs 5.852 employees. The chain can be found in 134 cities and towns across the United Kingdom, such as: London (14 locations), Glasgow (3 locations), Sheffield (3 locations), Leeds (2 locations), Cardiff (2 locations).
The company deals in maternity clothes, maternity lingerie, baby clothes, nursery furniture, bedding, pushchairs. Among the trademarks that secured Mothercare its prominent position on the UK business map we can name: Blooming Marvellous.
With numerous services and facilities provided at Mothercare locations the most widespread among them seem to be bra fitting service.

Biggest cities with brand stores: