McDonald's opening and closing times

McDonald's is widely recognized as one of the most well established chains in the country. It was established back in 1940 in San Bernardino, California by Richard Mcdonald And Maurice Mcdonald. As of 2025 McDonald's has 1325 locations and employs 420,000 employees. The chain can be found in 522 cities and towns across the UK, such as: London (99 locations) (36 locations), Manchester (30 locations), Glasgow (28 locations), Birmingham (20 locations).
The company deals in hamburgers, chicken, french fries, soft drinks, milkshakes, salads. Considering the trademarks that won McDonald's its prominent position on the business map we can name: Chicken Legend, Big Tasty, Chicken Mcnuggets, Chicken Selects, Mccafe, Filet-O-Fish.
With numerous services and facilities provided at McDonald's locations the most widespread among them seem to be baby changing.

Biggest cities with brand stores: