Opening times for KFC in Hounslow West
One of the KFC eateries is situated at 1 Cavendish Parade Hounslow West, post code TW4 7DJ, Hounslow West. It is part of the county of London. The place's internal name is Hounslow - Cavendish Parade. Its customers come from nearby towns like Hounslow West, Hounslow Heath, Whitton. The place is usually open on: Monday 10:30 - 02:00, Tuesday 10:30 - 02:00, Wednesday 10:30 - 02:00, Thursday 10:30 - 02:00, Friday 10:30 - 03:00. During the weekends: on Saturday 10:30 - 03:00, on Sunday 11:00 - 01:00.