Boots opening and closing times

Boots is acknowledged as one of the most well established chains in the country. It was set up back in 1849 in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire by John Boot. As of 2025 Boots uses 3142 locations and employs 70,000 people. The chain can be found in 985 cities and towns across Great Britain, for example: London (205 locations), Glasgow (65 locations), Bristol (45 locations), Manchester (42 locations), Nottingham (37 locations).
The company deals in medicines, health products, beauty products, lunchtime meal deals. When you think of the trademarks that won Boots its prominent position on the UK business map we can name: No. 7, Seventeen, Soltan, Almus.
With multiple services and facilities provided at Boots locations the most prominent seem to be repeat prescription service.

Biggest cities with brand stores: