Asda opening and closing times
Asda is acknowledged as one of the most well established chains in the UK. It was established back in 1949 by J.w. Hindell. As of 2025 Asda uses 655 locations and employs 180,000 employees.
The chain can be found in 503 cities and towns across Great Britain, including: Glasgow (9 locations), Manchester (7 locations), Bristol (6 locations), Liverpool (6 locations), Hull (5 locations).
The company deals in groceries, alcohol, cosmetics, detergents, frozen food, pets accessories. Among the trademarks that earned Asda its prominent position on the UK business map we can name: Asda Smart Price, Chosen By You, George Clothing, Asda Mobile, Asda Money.
With numerous services and facilities provided at Asda locations the most prominent seem to be baby changing.